Maryland Criminal Procedure: A Treatise Launches

by Professor Byron L. Warnken on March 21, 2013

The First 450 Pages of the Warnken Treatise on Maryland Criminal Procedure Is Online for Free

         I have been a law professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law since 1977.  Since  1992, I have maintained a private practice.  I have argued in the Supreme Court, testified in Congress, and been invited to the White House.

I am nearing completion of my 2,000-page treatise on Maryland Criminal Procedure.  It contains five parts, as follows:  (1) Fourth and Fifth Amendment limitations on police conduct, (2) pre-trial procedures, (3) trial procedures, (4) post-trial procedures, and (5) miscellaneous substantive and procedural issues.

The treatise contains thousands of cases from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals of Maryland, and Court of Special Appeals of Maryland, as well as applicable Maryland statutes and court rules.  The treatise presents both the law and practical considerations for both prosecutors and defense counsel.

This first 450 pages, covering the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, is available online, at no cost to the user, at  The goal is for the treatise to be of great assistance to judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, and law students.  It is hoped that these user groups will provide feedback online, including things they believe are incorrect or incomplete, as well as general suggestions, recommendations, and constructive criticism.

I acknowledge the tremendous assistance that I have received over the last two and a half years from Steven S. Hamilton, Esq., class of 2010 from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

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