The InjuryLawyerDatabase

by Professor Byron L. Warnken on May 27, 2013

A Novel Approach

Because of my son’s knowledge of lawyer marketing on the Internet, Warnken, LLC has an advertising presence on and AVVO.  In addition, we have had relationships with Yodle and Total Attorneys.  In addition to our strong organic search marketing presence, we, like many others lawyers, advertise on Google AdWords.  There seem to be no shortage of places to manage your reputation.

But my son doesn’t believe things should be as subjective as they are.  He believes in objective.  Data.  Statistics.  The data exists to make the quality of a lawyer far more objective.  If you could compile all the court filings for a given lawyer and run them through an analysis tool, you would find out how much experience a lawyer has.  To some degree, you would also find out how good a lawyer is.

Using data from the Maryland Judiciary and Maryland Case Search, my son’s new website,, let’s you see a lawyer’s statistics.  You can see Attorney Results and Case Types actually handled (as opposed to what a lawyer says he or she handles).  You can also see total number of cases, total number of open cases, defendants sued, and more.  You can see real data to help you choose a lawyer.

In addition to real results data for lawyers, there are real results for defendants.  He and his partner got all the data comes from the Maryland Judiciary.  Transparency is good nearly anywhere.  More transparency in the the legal system is certainly good.  Best of luck to my son on his new venture.

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